Bersama membangun Generasi Unggul

Kegiatan Kesiswaan

Student activities in junior high school have an important role in developing students’ abilities and characters outside of formal lessons. Here are some student activities at SMP Negeri 2 Semen:

  1. Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) : OSIS is a forum for training leadership, responsibility, and cooperation among students. OSIS activities usually include organizing events, becoming a committee for school activities, and organizing social programs.

  2. Scouts : Scouts are activities that teach the values ​​of discipline, togetherness, and love of nature. Students will participate in activities such as camping, leadership training, and learn various skills outside the classroom.

  3. Religious Education : Religious activities such as religious studies, group prayers, and various activities related to the formation of students’ moral and spiritual character are often carried out in junior high schools.

  4. Extracurricular Activities : Various extracurricular activities that students can join, such as sports (futsal, basketball, badminton), arts (music, drama, dance), and certain clubs (science, debate, photography, etc.). These extracurricular activities help students develop their interests and talents.

  5. Competitions : Junior high school students often participate in various competitions both at school and between schools, such as science, art, mathematics, language, or sports competitions.

  6. School Holidays and Celebrations : Schools often celebrate national or international holidays, such as Independence Day, Teachers’ Day, etc., which involve various student activities such as competitions, parades, or art performances.

  7. Social Activities : Social activities such as community service, fundraising, or assistance to those in need are also part of student activities that can foster students’ sense of empathy and social responsibility.

  8. Outbound Activities : Some schools also hold outbound activities to train students’ cooperation, courage, and leadership in a fun atmosphere outside of school.

  9. Environmental Activities : Students are encouraged to care more about the environment through activities such as reforestation, cleaning the school environment, or environmental care campaigns.

Kegiatan Osis

Kegiatan ini beragam di berbagai bidang, baik dalam organisasi, pendidikan, sosial, maupun budaya.


Bertujuan untuk mengembangkan karakter, keterampilan, serta kepemimpinan siswa melalui aktivitas yang menyenangkan dan penuh tantangan.

Pendidikan Agama

Bertujuan untuk memperdalam pemahaman agama, membentuk karakter, dan meningkatkan ketakwaan siswa.

Kegiatan Ektra Kurikuler


Kegiatan Lingkungan

Kegiatan Sosial

Prestasi Siswa

Reportase Siswa

Do you ever scroll through images of beautiful lettering on Instagram and think to yourself that if you could do the same?

Modul Ajar

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P5 (Project-Based Learning)

1. Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek

2. Kolaborasi dan Kerja Sama

3. Pemecahan Masalah

4. Keterampilan Abad 21

5. Refleksi dan Presentasi

6. Keterlibatan Komunitas


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Prestasi Siswa

Reportase Siswa

Do you ever scroll through images of beautiful lettering on Instagram and think to yourself that if you could do the same?

Prestasi Siswa

Reportase Siswa

Do you ever scroll through images of beautiful lettering on Instagram and think to yourself that if you could do the same?

Apel Janji No Narkoba dan Petasan

Student activities in junior high school have an important role in developing students’ abilities and characters outside of formal lessons. Here are some student activities at SMP Negeri 2 Semen:

  1. Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) : OSIS is a forum for training leadership, responsibility, and cooperation among students. OSIS activities usually include organizing events, becoming a committee for school activities, and organizing social programs.

  2. Scouts : Scouts are activities that teach the values ​​of discipline, togetherness, and love of nature. Students will participate in activities such as camping, leadership training, and learn various skills outside the classroom.

  3. Religious Education : Religious activities such as religious studies, group prayers, and various activities related to the formation of students’ moral and spiritual character are often carried out in junior high schools.

  4. Extracurricular Activities : Various extracurricular activities that students can join, such as sports (futsal, basketball, badminton), arts (music, drama, dance), and certain clubs (science, debate, photography, etc.). These extracurricular activities help students develop their interests and talents.

  5. Competitions : Junior high school students often participate in various competitions both at school and between schools, such as science, art, mathematics, language, or sports competitions.

  6. School Holidays and Celebrations : Schools often celebrate national or international holidays, such as Independence Day, Teachers’ Day, etc., which involve various student activities such as competitions, parades, or art performances.

  7. Social Activities : Social activities such as community service, fundraising, or assistance to those in need are also part of student activities that can foster students’ sense of empathy and social responsibility.

  8. Outbound Activities : Some schools also hold outbound activities to train students’ cooperation, courage, and leadership in a fun atmosphere outside of school.

  9. Environmental Activities : Students are encouraged to care more about the environment through activities such as reforestation, cleaning the school environment, or environmental care campaigns.